Monday, October 20, 2008

Tips for Backpackers in Bali

What is a backpacker anyway? According to Wiktionary, a backpacker is a traveler whose luggage consists of a backpack; especially, such a traveler who uses inexpensive services. In my words, backpackers are travelers with not so much money with them, either they do not have it or they simply are on a tight budget. Honestly, it is a kind of irony for me seeing backpackers in Bali considering the fact that most of the things in Bali are cheaper in term of the values of rupiah money comparing to other currencies such as US dollar, Australian dollar, euro, pound sterling and so on. So once you are in Bali and convert your money into rupiah, you’re supposed to be a rich man in Bali. But I realize that some tourists might have adventurous spirit so they choose to be a backpacker. Here are some tips when you are being a backpacker in Bali:

1. Using cheap accommodation (without being cheap tourist). Remove the entire international chain hotel from your list. Of course you will not stay at Four Season when you are being a backpacker in Bali as one night stay there could save you one week on your backpacker’s way in Bali. Instead, you can stay at a semi-private house owned by Balinese people. Semi? Yes, many Balinese families have a huge private house and they rent it some part of it, usually it is called guest-house or home-stay. This is what I call cheap accommodation without being cheap. The rate would be far cheaper than those starry hotels yet you will get better service and more personal touch. Balinese people are very friendly and open minded. Once you stay with them, you will become the king in the house. You are not considered as a cheap tourist instead you are considered as a tourist who loves the local culture, who wants to blend with local people and so on. You can find this type of accommodation in Ubud area, Kuta, Candidasa or Nusa Dua area.

2. Eating at local semi-restaurant. What the heck is local semi-restaurant? It is a local food stall known as warung with special customers of foreigners and ‘the have’ local people. It is not a fine restaurant but the menu and the quality of the food is similar with fine restaurant. There is a mix between local people here and tourists (backpackers). Eating in this type of place is a great chance for you to taste the local food which are prepared in semi-restaurant way. Usually the name of this type of restaurant begin with warung such as Warung Anom, Warung Made, Warung Be Guling and so on. But you will never find Warung John, Warung Michael J

3. Getting around. Walk, walk and walk. Yes if you are in the middle of a tourist destination such as Kuta and Ubud area, the best way to getting around is by walking. Not only because the close distance between one point to another but walking also give you a better chance to see things around yourself. Besides you will get an advantage of exercise. Other option is called Ojek. It is a motor-taxi, a person who uses a motor bike to take you to your destination. This is good if you are lazy to walk of you are in a hurry, also you will not get stuck in a traffic jam. Make sure to ask the fee first before you on board.

4. Choosing the right time to exchange your currency
. It is a good idea not to exchange your money all at one time. Rupiah exchange values is not predictable but it tends to getting higher. Let say you have 1000 USD right now. Just exchange it 200 dollar first today who knows tomorrow the exchange rate will be better so you will get the best value of your money.

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